I-LABS Schools Washington's Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee

Following the recent successful tour and information session with members of the Washington State Legislature last month, I-LABS was invited to share our work more broadly at a work session of the Senate's Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee. The 20 minutes TOE Director Hannah Lidman and TOE Specialist Dr. Gina Lebedeva were allotted flew by and then stretched to nearly an hour due to the number of questions posed by the Senators.


The impact of the I-LABS presentation was evident throughout the remainder of the work session as the Senators and subsequent presenters repeatedly referenced Dr. Lebedeva's comments in their questions and remarks. This was Translation, Outreach, and Education (TOE) in action — the connection of the science to policy in front of our eyes.

Watch the video of the work session or check out the presentation by itself