New study has found that children are able to learn more effectively through live interaction and video chat technology.
New campaigns to increase the number of words young children hear should focus on real conversations too.
By Lisa Guernsey
United Way hosts special guest Dr. Sarah Roseberry from the Institute of Learning & Brain Sciences.
On Thursday, September 26, 2013, Dr. Patricia Kuhl gave an invited talk at the Allen Institute for Brain Science's Annual Symposium, held at Paul Allen's Experience Music Project Museum in...
Seattle City Council member Tim Burgess called out his recent tour to I-LABS as instrumental in his decision to support pre-K for all children in the city.
University of Washington researchers have performed what they believe is the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface, with one researcher able to send a brain signal via the Internet to...
A tribute from Advisory Board Chair Suzi LeVine
It is with very heavy hearts that we share with you the news that, on Friday, August 9th, 2013, Bill Henningsgaard, the I-LABS Advisory Board co-...
As part of a 55 year effort that has brought "dramatic innovations that increase options for those living with hearing loss," the Hearing Health Foundation awards Emerging Research Grants...
I-LABS Outreach Specialist Dr. Beth Zack was interviewed about her research on how infants transfer learning between a touchscreen and the real world.
July 25, 2013 – During the month of July, I-LABS welcomed three student interns to learn about and participate in science. Orren Arad-Neeman, Kennedy Poore, and Lizzie Krawczak spent time...