Rey Ramírez is a Research Scientist in the I-LABS MEG Brain Imaging Center. He received his bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences at Rutgers University with minors in Psychology and Philosophy, and received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Physiology at the New York University School of Medicine working with Rodolfo Llinás. He did postdoctoral research at the University of California San Diego with Scott Makeig, and at the Medical College of Wisconsin with Sylvain Baillet. His previous work has focused on developing methods for neuroelectromagnetic source imaging, forward and anatomical modeling, data denoising, blind source separation, and time-frequency, connectivity, and causality analyses of large-scale brain dynamics, with diverse applications in cognitive and clinical neuroscience, including MEG imaging during electrical neuromodulation using deep brain and epidural cortical stimulation. His current research at I-LABS is twofold, developing better methods for multimodal neuroimaging and analysis using MEG, EEG, MRI, fMRI, and DTI, and applying these methods to important questions in the field of developmental, cognitive, and social neuroscience.