Elizabeth Zack, Ph.D.

Outreach Specialist

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Elizabeth (Beth) Zack is an Outreach and Education Specialist at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS) at the University of Washington. As a Specialist, Dr. Zack shares scientific research with early care providers, educators, and parents. She helps write and design I-LABS free online training modules, which take an in-depth look at different topics of child development.


Dr. Zack was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at I-LABS working under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Meltzoff. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from Gettysburg College and a Ph.D. in Developmental Science from Georgetown University, where Dr. Rachel Barr was her mentor. Before joining the Outreach and Education division, she conducted research on infant imitation from television and touch screens and parent-child interactions during screen media use. 


Phone Number: 
(206) 221-1684

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